Sunday, August 11, 2013

Manma mia! How cute!

Opificio Etico

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Strong taste!

Today I tasted a kind of olive oil at shinjyuku.
This is the one I found at  Olive oil store called "Pace" in Osaka, which had a wide range of olive oil of  unique taste.
It was still uniquest for me.

Store Information

Friday, August 9, 2013

For anti-aging

For the beauty of the skin, I switched my staple
from plain blown rice to "blown rice", "Job's tears(Hatomugi)" and "azuki",which have effects to make our skin beauty!

Curyy at Yoyogi

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Juicy omlet!

Today I went to multiple Interior show rooms at the center of Tokyo for studying. For Lunch I ate really amusing staff.
Japanese Omlet!

Now, Japan is in the middle of summer!!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Save Spain

Liberty Pies & Cakes founder Burton Novack says job creation is the way to economic recovery

Sunday, July 28, 2013


I would cry if I were the mother of  him.

Things I found at the bin at the kitchen of my share house.
One of my flat mates is crazy about this Japanese treat...

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

new waiter!

This morning when I was reading newspaper, I found really interesting thing at the news site which was filled with disastrous and sad news.


Sunday, July 7, 2013

garlic summer

Recently the refrigerator of my share house smells poignant distinct whiff of garlic!!
I've already know the criminal.
This is...

 Containers of Whole Garlic!!

Owner of them is my Korean friend Kim.
She is married and her mother in law had sent it to her.
According to her, pickled garlic is tipical summer food in Korea.
People in Korea eat them every summer so mouths of most of people in Korea smell garlic!
So there is no person who cares about the smell of garlic from his or her mouth.

 She gave me one container!
They are soaked in soy sauce and vinegar.
It was really delicious and makes me hot from the core of my body.
But unfortunately, I'm in Japan now so I can't eat it on weekdays....

Friday, July 5, 2013

Cambodian restaurant

Today I went to Cambodian restaurant with my mates at school.
The name of restaurant is " Angkor Wat" 。
This white noodle is called "f kuyteav."
 It is made from rice.

They were really delicious.
The noodle is really slippery so it went down the throat smoothly!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

From the news

Donuts company in Thai island released new kind of  Donuts!
It is callde "Sushi  Donuts"!

sauce is from

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

How to organize your mind.


He described in his book about the way to built the concept which solves the cliant's problem. The content of this book was really informative and I've learned a lot of things from this. In this book, he emphasized on "organize" and "purify". Organize the environment around you. Organize information. Organize your mind. And he described that first of all, excellence of your work and efficiency is depend on "how organized your surroundings are". For the example, he pick out his own office.

(photos are from :
He stock every past work like above.↑

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

100% Soy!

Today I went to China town in Tokyo.
Then I finally found what I've been looking for!
This looks like just a plain normal noodle but actually it's not.
It is made of Soy 100%!!

The texture is totally same as Chinese noodle but this noodle is more healthy!!


Monday, June 24, 2013

package from My friend

I've received a package from my friend. Thank you!
It was quite interesting present for me.
The other day, when I was speaking with her on skype, I told her that I'd like to work in London and I was complaint that recently I'm lacking of calcium .
Then she has sent them to me!!
Union Jack clothes and xylitol gum which is good to make teeth stronger! 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

"Making my own job" by Tadao Ando

The author of this book is world-famouse Japanese architect.
This book is his autobiography.
He has been paid attention not only his excellent works but his unique background as a architect.
He hasn't graduated from University because his family wasn't afford to pay his tuition.
But he didn't give up his dream to be an architect. So he started to read enormous numbers of books and study architecture and study by himself.

"I bought all books used at the University which one of my friends had entered. Then I studied from 9 in the morning  to 4 in the next morning  everyday. "
During his self educational period, fortunately he found one architectural office which allowed him to work as an assistant.
So he could acquire practical skills.After that he had passed architectural exam for his architectural license  and have gotten independent.

This is a line I found in his book.↓

"The hardest part of my self-study was that I didn't have any piers to learn together and share our opinions together. I didn't have any way to confirm whether I was walking on the right track. I have been always fighting loneliness and anxiety. However、 this period of my life made me tough enough to survive in the society."

It was really even He had been suffering anxiety for his future.But he told me that we have to face this anxiety and keep going on.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

model making

My opinion
 Making house model was really fun and I lost track of time... However, according to my teacher, now a days it is rare for Interior designers to make such model for job. Everything is processed on computer. It was a little bit sad but I know that doing job on computer is more efficient than making by our own hands.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Brown rice with microwave

Today I bought this container made of silicon. This is a special container for steaming rice with microwave.

When we make brown rice it takes about 1 and half hours.While, with this container and microwave, it is possible to have rice cooked in about 10 minutes!!

Yam... I live in share house now so it bother other people if I use stove for a long time. So this is what I've been looking for! There are a lots to learn from my life in share house.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

My new obsession

Last weekend, I went to the area which is crowded with a lot kinds of shops of ethnic food material! Then I found this at the Pakistan ingredient shop!

"Pomegranate seed"!!It is dried pomegranate!! I've never seen it at ethnic ingredient shop!!

It looks really ugly but the taste is awesome!! It's similar to raisin!But Pomegranate seeds are much sourer!! And it is really crunchy and delicious!!

According to the owner, it is used for curry!
But I found that it went nicely with yoghurt as well!!

If you have chance to see this package, please try it!!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Korean dining

Today is Sunday! My Korean housemate have day off every Sunday so she has time to cook!
Then what's happening?
It's getting usual thing that my Sunday dinner is deadly spicy Korean plate!!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

My first korean friend

Today's dinner is "Toppogi".
One of my flat mates is Korean girl who is working at game company in Tokyo.
She had day off today and we met at the kitchen this morning and she said "I'm making toppogi for dinner today." Then I said "Will you tell me how to make it?"
Then her sudden cooking class has been held at night.

Korean Chilli paste.!! It's really spicy but it contains sugar as well. So it's spicy and sweet.

This is soup stock she brought from Korea. It smells like fish.

It was really surprising taste.
You can taste spiciness and sweetness at the same time!
But she was Korean who don't like spiciness so this time sweetness won.
(Chilli paste contains much amount of sugar and then she added sugar additionary!! )
Therefore I felt like I was eating "Mitarashi-dango"(Caramelized mochi-Japanese sweets↓)


I'm stuffed.