Sunday, July 7, 2013

garlic summer

Recently the refrigerator of my share house smells poignant distinct whiff of garlic!!
I've already know the criminal.
This is...

 Containers of Whole Garlic!!

Owner of them is my Korean friend Kim.
She is married and her mother in law had sent it to her.
According to her, pickled garlic is tipical summer food in Korea.
People in Korea eat them every summer so mouths of most of people in Korea smell garlic!
So there is no person who cares about the smell of garlic from his or her mouth.

 She gave me one container!
They are soaked in soy sauce and vinegar.
It was really delicious and makes me hot from the core of my body.
But unfortunately, I'm in Japan now so I can't eat it on weekdays....

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