Last weekend, I went to the area which is crowded with a lot kinds of shops of ethnic food material!
Then I found this at the Pakistan ingredient shop!
"Pomegranate seed"!!It is dried pomegranate!! I've never seen it at ethnic ingredient shop!!
It looks really ugly but the taste is awesome!! It's similar to raisin!But Pomegranate seeds are much sourer!! And it is really crunchy and delicious!!
According to the owner, it is used for curry!
But I found that it went nicely with yoghurt as well!!
If you have chance to see this package, please try it!!
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Monday, May 20, 2013
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Korean dining
Today is Sunday! My Korean housemate have day off every Sunday so she has time to cook!
Then what's happening?
It's getting usual thing that my Sunday dinner is deadly spicy Korean plate!!
Sunday, May 5, 2013
My first korean friend
Today's dinner is "Toppogi".
One of my flat mates is Korean girl who is working at game company in Tokyo.
She had day off today and we met at the kitchen this morning and she said "I'm making toppogi for dinner today." Then I said "Will you tell me how to make it?"
Then her sudden cooking class has been held at night.
Korean Chilli paste.!! It's really spicy but it contains sugar as well. So it's spicy and sweet.
This is soup stock she brought from Korea. It smells like fish.
It was really surprising taste.
You can taste spiciness and sweetness at the same time!
But she was Korean who don't like spiciness so this time sweetness won.
(Chilli paste contains much amount of sugar and then she added sugar additionary!! )
Therefore I felt like I was eating "Mitarashi-dango"(Caramelized mochi-Japanese sweets↓)
I'm stuffed.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
*Report 8* Olive Japan 2013 「"IO" ( My best!)」
During my olive trip today, I chose this as my best!!
Once I had it in the mouse, it tasted exactly like Green apple!!
It was so amazing!!
But it was really subtle taste ! So when I eat it with bread, the taste was vanished.
*My ranking* (私のオリーブオイルランキング)
1, Io
2, Firstday of hearvest
3,Alva oliva
4,olio di extravergine di oliva (Contardi)
As I expected, I found Olivastro there.
Every festival and exhibition of olive oil, I found this company's olive oil and there are a lot of people around this. How strong it is!!
*Report 7* Olive Japan 2013 「Vanila ,Orange, Peach」
(Left) taste of Orange , (Right)taste of Vanila
(左)オレンジ味のオリーブ (右)バニラビーンズを漬け込んだオリーブ
Taste of peach! He said there is a kind of tree which brings olives tasted like peach!
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
*Report 6* Olive Japan 2013 「Grape fluit olive oil」
◆Alva Oliva
This amusing package nicely expressed the taste of this Olive oil.
The taste was really fruity and it was like grapefruit!I heard if it contained grapefruit juice or not.Then the owner told me it didn't contained grape juice.The fruity taste came from the type of Olive called "Piqual".
Piqual olive has a strong taste of Fruit and this Olive oil uses Piqual olives for 100 percent!
The another olive oil that I found at the same booth was also delicious.
◆Olio di extravergine di oliva ・・・ Contardi
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